Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to Normal

My friend and I went to spinning class again was my second class. I loved it as much as the first day. Today though, my leg muscles are a little bit sore!

I was so excited this morning as we drove to the airport to pick up Tyler and Brianna from their North Carolina vacation. The house felt very empty for a solid week...strange. But they are home safe and that is all that matters! They had a great time riding intertubes down the river as well as behind a boat their dad borrowed. Mike and the kids drove back from Minnesota and spent the better part of the week with the kids hanging out and having fun up there. They went to a big waterfall and Brianna took tons of pictures that I can't wait to see.

This week gave me a feel for what life will be like when the kids move out and I have to admit I missed them so very much. I kind of can't even imagine them not being here.

Yesterday I went to see the movie Inception. If you haven't seen it yet...go. It is a mind boggler and that's all I'll say. Just the computer graphics alone make it worth watching.

Ah, the house is back to normal...what a good feeling this is!

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