Sunday, June 13, 2010

Awesome Party

Yesterday ended up being a really joyful day that ended very sadly. We had about 44 people show up to the dual-birthday bash for Brianna and Adam. The little kids swam in the pool, played limbo, musical chairs and stomp the balloon. The older kids played on Brianna's new wii and everyone seemed to have a great time. There were more adults than kids especially considering that Brianna and all her friends are now 20 years old. Crazy.

The saddest time of the evening had to come sooner or later and that is when we were all parting ways. My friend, Mike, and his kids are moving back to Minnesota and the kids don't want to go. I'm not sure Mike does either but financially it is the smart thing for him to do. The kids will adjust but it will be tough on them for a while. Half of their family lives in South Florida. Many tears were shed and lots and lots of hugs were given. Even today I feel a loss of what I consider to be my family as they have driven out and are already hours up the road. We all wish them the best.

Thanks to the girls for helping me clean up. It made this morning so much more relaxing. I have about 5 hours of homework to do today but even better than that...I am heading out for a double date. I've set a co-worker of mine up on a date with a guy I know and I'm hoping our lunchtime date goes great and they hit it off. I've never played matchmaker this should be quite interesting.

Except for exhaustion from yesterday and that darn homework, today should be a great day! What if they hit it off and end up dating? Or, of course, they may meet, not click, and go their separate ways. Either way is great...we should have a lot of fun seeing what the outcome is. :)

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