Friday, August 13, 2010

Whitewater Rafting

We went whitewater rafting on the Ocoee River which flows northwest through the Appalachian Mountains. The water flow on the river is controlled by the TVA or Tennessee Valley Authority through the use of three different dams. The middle Ocoee that we rafted is considered a Class III and IV.

Here's a photo of rafters in the Ocoee from online that shows what some of the rapids were like. Rafting down this river was a blast and the only thing I would have changed is the length of the trip. Two hours on the water just isn't nearly long enough.

All rafting down this river did was increase my love of whitewater rafting. This was my third rafting trip. The first one was in Ohio Pyle just south of Pittsburgh. The second trip was up at Harper's Ferry and now the Ocoee. I'd go anywhere, anytime...I love it that much! It is so exciting and this last river was surrounded by beautiful scenery and mountains. It was awesome.

Today we went over to Blairsville to visit friends and they tok us to the country club for lunch. Great food and a great way to end the trip. Back to the cabin to pack up and be ready to drive home tomorrow. This week sure went fast and I had such a nice time but I am also ready to be home.

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