Friday, July 9, 2010

2 year Break-Up-Aversary

Well, today is July 9th, 2010. It was two years ago today that Nick and I parted ways. Just reflecting on how something that started so great could end so wrong.

I believe in life that everything happens for a reason and in reflection I believe that I came out of that relationship as a more confident and content woman.

In the last year and a half I have worked on a second master's degree and have two classes remaining to complete it. This will open up additional career avenues in the realm of education.

I have recently met the nicest man who treats me better than anyone else ever has.

My kids are doing wonderful. Brianna is heading into her third year of college and Tyler will be a junior in high school.

Life is good, in fact, life is great. Occasionally though, one can't help but think back to the times in between the bad ones and reminisce about what you thought would be...though it never will.

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