Friday, December 24, 2010

Midnight and then some

Okay, it's 12:30 a.m. and I'm home on the couch with my laptop. My parents are asleep in my room, as usual, I gave the room up for them and I sleep on the couch. Christmas is just around the corner and as much as I don't like giving up my king size bed I have to admit that my parents and I are having a great visit. The get together the other night was a blast when I had a few friends over to hang with mom and dad.

I look at every moment with them at this point as borrowed time. Some days when I talk to them they both seem great and other times they seem like they are just getting by physically and they worry me beyond belief. Already having lost Brett, I just cannot imagine at all losing one of my parents. I take this time that they offer on their visit and I soak it up like a sponge. I listen to every word my dad says: his advice, his laughter, his thoughts on my new puppy and how he can help me fix the fence so she won't get out. I listen to my mom talk about the neighbors, her friends, and her aches and pains. I listen. I listen intently. I listen effortlessly because my heart is there where their words are coming the present. I don't want to look back and wish I paid closer attention and got what dad was saying. I don't want to look back and wish I paid closer attention to my mom and what her doctor told her. Tonight as I arrived home from a party I walked into my house where Brianna was waiting up for me and my parents were sound asleep. Ty was at his girlfriends and as I sit here typing, he arrives home hungry for lack of eating dinner.

My world is complete. My kids are safe at home, the puppy is in her crate. My parents are tucked in safely and the guy that loves me is across town resting peacefully after taking me to his office party. I had a great time and when I look back I can hardly believe that a year ago he took me to his office party and after only knowing each other for two weeks, he introduced me to them all as his girlfriend. He continues to be this kind of person. Someone that is thoughtful, kind, respectful, and so many wonderful things that sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure that I am really this lucky. He says he's the lucky one and who's just after midnight on the eve of Christmas eve and as I get ready to go to sleep I feel this joy and peace in my heart and for anyone that reads this...I hope you find the same.

1 comment:

LibraryGirl62 said...

You and your family are part of what makes my family complete. You know what I wish for you..peace. Love you